It is said that if one collects all seven Foxballs, the Great and Very Long Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen“ shall appear in the sky and listen to one and only one wish of absolutely anything one's heart desires. After listening to the wish, the Great and Very Long Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen” shall then hand one a coupon to the nearest oriental take-out restaurant and tell one that depending on floating magic sky dragons to fulfill one's desires is, in fact, an incredibly lame and lazy thing to do, and one seriously needs to rethink one's life goals.
It is also said that, at various points in the World's existence, priests and other clingy religious types have surmised that the Great and Very Long Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen“ is in fact a higher deity taken physical form. At this accusation the Great and Very Long Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen” would appear and shift his eyes and very fervently deny being one of the World-shaping deities who disguised himself as a very long dragon thing and flew down to the World to make sure things got done the right way because this notion was absolutely baseless and therefore ridiculous.
*(The proper spelling of Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen“ includes two single apostrophes at the end. This is because adding apostrophes to names automatically makes them exotic and the Great and Very Long Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen” is in fact as exotic as a second derivative.)