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In the crystaline corner of J13, J14, and K14… a new race emerges. Those elementally tuned crystals somehow give birth to elementals. It is uncertain whether they acted as a radio tuned to the perfect frequency to summon or more like seeds that collect energy until enough is there to coalesce, but whatever the case, anywhere a crystal lay an elemental of the relevant type would be born from it.

Elementals vary in size and shape, sometimes even within the same individual (especially the more volatile elements). No two elementals are the same and many will go by different names. Some are large, taking territories and defending them (and all within), shaping the zone to their element. These tend to take the forms of large reptiles and call themselves dragons. Others are small, flitting about with a love of travel, often acting as messengers and couriers, calling themselves sprites. There are many different temperaments tending towards certain sizes and shapes, each with a class of name they refer to themselves by, and just as many that fall into no category at all.

Elementals tend to live in zones similar to their element and any individual can set up their own zone large enough to live in, though it is general practice that most live under the protection and in the zone of some dragon. One thing all elementals have in common is their heart which is made from the crystal they were born from and their ability to switch between a form made of their element and a form of flesh with strong affinity for their element. Despite the occasional opposing types, elementals have strong bonds as a race and will often visit each other and form relationships irregardless of element, occasionally even living in seemingly opposing zones.

Created by Stormkit

elementals.1373780318.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/07/14 00:38 by radioactive_toast