====== Luciledragon* ====== The Great and Very Long Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen" had managed to rest his chin on his hand while propping his elbow up-- a feat very difficult for him to do given his lengthy anatomy-- sprawled out upon a cloud and contemplating his next move when a flash of thunder resonated throughout the sky and the mighty valkyrie Luciledragon appeared in front of his nose. She said, "hiii~!" The Great and Very Long Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen" blinked once, then said, "I thought you weren't much into building things..." Luciledragon gave what could only be described as a Gray Fox Grin * * and then pulled out a gigantic sword which promptly caught on fire. "I'm not." * The 'dra' is pronounced with a short 'a' like 'ah', so that she sounds like a Digimon * * The Gray Fox Grin is often misinterpreted by less informed individuals as evidence that Virmir and his associates are evil. This is entirely false-- The Gray Fox Grin is in fact an expression of pure chaotic neutrality. It means that something very good is about to happen, and the very goodness is, in fact, entirely based upon the perspective of Virmir.